Eyeko Beauty - London's Cutest Cosmetics!

Monday, 28 June 2010

*"*Just a quick update*"*

*"* HEY *"*

OK I know I haven't posted anything in a while..I'm sorry! But I didn't get my laptop back until saturday and now I have this horrible cold which is demanding me to stay in bed at the moment but I WILL get another video up in the next couple of days I promise!

So anyways I have done a video on the Clinique Anti-Blemish foundation now which you can check out HERE. Hope its useful, please leave any comments and questions.

I will be doing the new videos on my new bedroom...well thats already done I just need to be at home to upload it as the bf's connections painfully slow! So that will probably be up tomorrow then I will make a video on the latest products bought like products, DVD's and films seen and probably a random chat one :).

Love to all!! xx

*"* See you soon!! *"*

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